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Union Carnegie Public Library

Union’s Carnegie Library was given to the citizens of our community in 1912. It has not been changed from its historical structure and is still being used as a library.

The summer of 1912 the city of Union received a letter with a postmark from Scotland. It was from Andrew Carnegie and in the letter the gentleman offered to give the city $5,500 to build a new library. With the money the city let a contract to build a brick building and construct a levee along Catherine Creek for protection. Andrew Carnegie requested only one thing for his $5,500, that his name be displayed on the front of the building and that it be noted that the Union Library was a gift from him.

Today our librarian does a marvelous job of stocking the library with current and useful materials. We have internet access on a high-speed wireless connection. Currently the library is expanding its audio book collection and we offer Proctoring for college students. There is also a reference section with historical records from Union and its surrounding area.

It is carefully managed and protected by a 5-member Library Board of Union residents. Board members are volunteers who are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. Each serves a term of 4 years.

Come in and “check-out” all your Public Library has to offer! See you soon!

The Union Carnegie Public Library follows Oregon state law, which exempts libraries from public disclosure of “the records of a library, including (a) circulation records, showing use of specific library material by a named person; (b) the name of a library patron together with the address or telephone number of the patron; and (c) the electronic mail address of a patron” ORS 192.355 (23).

The Union Carnegie Public Library treats patron information as strictly confidential to the extent permitted by law. It is generally for the use of library staff only; it can, of course, be divulged to the patron. Unless required by law, patron information is not to be given to non-library individuals, including parents, friends, professors, university administrators, police, FBI, university security staff, or the CIA.

The SAGE circulation policy–

Union Carnegie Public Library

Protection of Library Materials Policy

Library materials are community assets and should be protected by library staff, volunteers and patrons. Lost, stolen, and missing books and other materials significantly limit the Library’s ability to provide the resources that patrons need. Willful damage to library material by theft and mutilation denies information to others. Members of the library staff are conscious of the need to handle library materials with care. We ask patrons to join library staff in protecting the collections from damage.


Materials must be returned to the library in the same condition in which they were borrowed. Patrons are asked to report damage to library materials without delay.

Patrons can help preserve the library’s collection by handling books gently—especially older items and those that have brittle pages. Books taken out of the library should be protected from hazardous environments, including moisture, excessive heat, and animals. Never mutilate library materials in any way, including by marking, underlining, or removing pages or portions of pages; removing binding; or removing labels applied by staff.

Patrons are expected to help preserve Library materials for the use of the public. Violations include stealing materials from the library, removing or attempting to remove library materials or property without checking them out, not returning library materials promptly when asked to do so, hoarding copies of materials, deliberately damaging library material (for example, cutting pages out of books or magazines), and helping another person steal, hoard, or damage library material, defacing library materials or property, including furniture or equipment in any way, tampering with or harming library computers or computer systems, and concealing library materials in the Library for the exclusive use of an individual or group.

Eating and drinking are limited to the Eaton room and the worktable, and smoking is not permitted anywhere in the library in line with Oregon’s Indoor Clean Air Act.


Patrons are responsible for the materials that they borrow and will be fined for lost, stolen, or damaged items. Patrons will be responsible for paying the replacement cost and billing fee of such items.

Fines will be assessed for lost or stolen items, items returned in unsatisfactory condition, or damage to library furniture or equipment. If a patron believes that a fine has been assessed or privileges suspended in error, they should contact the Library Director as soon as they become aware of the situation. Charges may be assessed at the discretion of the Library if any of the above conditions occur, even if accidental or inadvertent. A person who commits or attempts to commit offenses may be subject to suspension, expulsion; forfeiture, prosecution, and/or making restitution; and may be accountable to civil authorities (city, state, or federal).


Lost books or materials should be reported promptly. If a patron cannot find an item checked out to him/her the Librarian will encourage the patron to continue to look for the item until it is deemed lost, and the librarian will check the library shelves to ensure the item is not at the library. Items that have been checked out and not returned in a timely manner will be designated as LOST by the SAGE system.

The current lost materials charge is equal to the price of the original purchase, or a current replacement cost as determined by the Librarian. The Librarian will select an acceptable replacement charge if a book is no longer in print. Patron charges for lost items are automatically placed on library accounts by the SAGE system. Patrons may pay the total lost item bill or replace the item with an acceptable copy at the discretion of the Librarian.


The following may cause damage to library materials, leading to fines:

Moisture, smoke, writing in books, ripped/torn pages due to misuse or exposure to animals, exposure to food or adhesives, negligence.

Items the Library judges to have been damaged by the borrower shall be evaluated by the Librarian and repair or replacement fees will be assessed based on the extent of the damage. If an item is repairable, the patron may be charged for the cost of the repairs at the discretion of the Librarian. If an item is beyond repair the replacement cost will be charged. All materials remain the property of the library.

Items returned without a barcode will result in the patron being assessed a fee of $1.00 per barcode.


All library users are subject to state law regarding theft, damage, and failure to return borrowed library materials. Persons who are apprehended mutilating or stealing library materials will be reported to law enforcement.

In the event of suspected theft of library materials, the following procedure should be followed:

• Report alleged violator to Library Director.

• Inform alleged violator that his/her library privileges may be revoked and that a fine may be imposed.

• Notify law enforcement.

• Contact guardian if patron is a minor.

Approved by the Union Carnegie Public Library Board February 27, 2025



WANTED – Individuals who love books and want to see that Union can continue to provide the best Library service possible to our residents. The Friends of the Library meet the second Tuesday of the month at 3:30pm.

182 N. Main Street | PO Box 928 Union, OR 97883

Opening hours

  • Monday
    10:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday
    10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday
    10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Thursday
    10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Friday
    10:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

The Library Board: The board meets quarterly on the 4th Wednesday, at 4:00 PM.
Friends of the Library: They meet on the 2nd Tuesday of January, April, July and November.

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