Grande Tour Scenic Bikeway
The Grande Tour Scenic Bikeway in northeast Oregon offers cycling opportunities for every rider. If you are an adventure cyclist seeking a challenging destination ride, try the entire 134-mile figure-eight route, where you’ll find plenty of rolling, winding country roads with little traffic. Cyclists wanting a more leisurely trip can ride segments near small communities to make your ride fun, comfortable, and memorable.
134 Miles
Time to allow
You can ride the entire route in 2-3 days, depending on your skill level, or segments in just a few hours.
Best time to travel
Spring through fall are best, but the road is enjoyable all year round.
Road Conditions
Roads are paved and well maintained. You’ll find signs along the bikeway to mark your route.
Bicycle Oregon
Find more Oregon cycling routes and information at one of the sites listed below.
Visitor & Community Info Union County Chamber 207 Depot St., La Grande, OR 97850